Claire Coenen

Writer + Teacher


Claire Coenen, LMSW, M.Ed. M.T.S., believes the act of creating can sustain, renew, and surprise us all in beautiful ways. Since childhood, she has loved to play with language. Now she channels that love toward writing poems and essays that explore questions about belonging, beauty, loss, and hope.

Claire also offers workshops to adults and teenagers focused on cultivating self-compassion and a sense of wonder through writing. With extensive professional experience in mental health, non-profit, and faith-based settings, Claire skillfully helps people connect with healing, meaning, and joy through self-expression on the page.

A lifelong student, Claire earned her Master of Education and Master of Theological Studies from Vanderbilt University. She received her Master of Social Work from The University of Tennessee. As a SoulCollage® Facilitator and Kripalu-trained yoga teacher, Claire also enjoys pursuing and sharing these playful and embodied practices.

Reach out here to learn more about Claire’s writing and workshops.

Claire's writing "will keep you, attend to your wounds, and teach you to root," as she says in one of her luminous poems. To read her poetry is to experience the joy of a poet coming into the fullness of her own voice, "fierce and free" at last.

~James Crews, author of Kindness will Save The World